Module Libvirt.Network

module Network: sig .. end

Module dealing with networks. Network.t is the network object.

type 'rw t 

Network handle. Read-only handles have type ro Network.t and read-write handles have type rw Network.t.

val lookup_by_name : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t

Lookup a network by name.

val lookup_by_uuid : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.uuid -> 'a t

Lookup a network by (packed) UUID.

val lookup_by_uuid_string : 'a Libvirt.Connect.t -> string -> 'a t

Lookup a network by UUID string.

val create_xml : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t

Create a network.

val define_xml : [> `W ] Libvirt.Connect.t -> Libvirt.xml -> t

Define but don't activate a network.

val undefine : [> `W ] t -> unit

Undefine configuration of a network.

val create : [> `W ] t -> unit

Start up a defined (inactive) network.

val destroy : [> `W ] t -> unit

Destroy a network.

val free : [> `R ] t -> unit

free network frees the network object in memory.

The network object is automatically freed if it is garbage collected. This function just forces it to be freed right away.

val get_name : [> `R ] t -> string

Get network name.

val get_uuid : [> `R ] t -> Libvirt.uuid

Get network packed UUID.

val get_uuid_string : [> `R ] t -> string

Get network UUID as a printable string.

val get_xml_desc : [> `R ] t -> Libvirt.xml

Get XML description of a network.

val get_bridge_name : [> `R ] t -> string

Get bridge device name of a network.

val get_autostart : [> `R ] t -> bool

Get the autostart flag for a network.

val set_autostart : [> `W ] t -> bool -> unit

Set the autostart flag for a network.

val const : [> `R ] t -> t

const network turns a read/write network handle into a read-only network handle. Note that the opposite operation is impossible.